Traditional sourcing methods for research projects can be a nightmare. Between trying to find the right users that meet your requirements and comparing calendars across time zones, sourcing participants for follow up screening can take longer than the research itself. However targeting your visitors while they are in-product and asking them if they would be interested in participating in a research survey, allows you to asynchronously recruit participants for your studies without all of the back and forth.
Your users have your most valuable insights and their feedback is like gold. By leveraging the specific events and attributes in your data stack to recruit only a highly targeted audience, you can identify pain points, usability issues, and preferences, which can inform your product decisions and ultimately drive growth and customer satisfaction.
Imagine that you work for a bank that has recently launched a new mobile app for managing personal finances. You ran an in-app survey and got feedback that users were having trouble navigating the app, but it wasn’t clear what was difficult. To gather more information on this issue, you decide to build a research panel of U.S. based users that have used the app before within the last month. The screener question could be, "Have you had difficulties using the mobile app in the last week?" Once you have a list of qualified participants, you can direct them to a calendar booking link to schedule a moderated session.