Alok, Box’s VP of Products, has extensive experience launching products in the enterprise software industry — he's worked at leading enterprise SaaS companies like Proofpoint and RSA, as well as startups, such as CloudPassage and Syncplicity.
Typical cybersecurity companies tend to lack focus on the experience of the end-user — Alok even admits he was part of the problem. That insight led him to seek out new opportunities, which is when he found Box.
Alok dives into how Box’s IT team identified a data leakage problem, which got him talking to hundreds of customers about the security issue and determined common pain points.
His team then looked at all research data, analyzed user behavior patterns, and launched Box Shied — a frictionless data security solution with automated content detection - which ultimately became the fastest growing product in the company’s history.
That’s not by accident. Alok's roadmap from ideation to product launch is long and comprehensive. His three key components are: product discovery, customer discovery and market attractiveness.
In this episode of People Driven Products, Alok explains his in-depth processes for discovering, launching, and iterating on a successful product, plus the characteristics all successful product managers should have.